ACS Rumble {Est. 2017} is an intervarsity game show held between team representatives of all Africa/Afro-Carribean societies in Ireland. The gameshow gains many spectators from all over Ireland to support and see which college will be crowned the victor in the finals and hold bragging rights.
The finals will be held on the 16th of March in DCU, St. Patrick’s Campus.
Purchase Tickets
[stripe name=”ACS Rumble” description=”ACS Rumble Finals” image_url=”undefined”]
[stripe_radio id=”ticket_type” label=”Please Select Ticket Type” options=”2nd Early Bird €15 (+ €1.50 admin fee),Regular €20 (+ €1.50 admin fee)” amounts=”1650,2150″]
[stripe_dropdown id=”number_of_tickets” label=”How many tickets would you like to buy?” options=”1,2,3″ is_quantity=”true”]
If you have a valid University ID card, you can simply use this as your ticket by selecting the ID type and entering your Student/Staff ID number below. You can then just present your University ID card at the entrance, no paper ticket required.
[stripe_text id=”id_number” label=”Student/Staff Number”]
By clicking the button below, you are confirming to us that you have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions for this event.
IMPORTANT: When asked to enter your email address, please ensure it is spelt correctly. We get a lot of emails from people who don’t receive their ticket confirmation email, due to mis-typing their email address at the time of the payment.